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作者:沈陈 徐秀军 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11051 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2024) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着地缘竞争态势明显加剧、世界经济形势仍不乐观,全球南方经济崛起、政治自觉和外交独立的趋势日益显著,并逐渐成为影响世界格局走向的关键角色。以金砖国家为代表的新兴大国积极推动全球南方内部的各领域务实合作,提高发展中国家在全球治理体系中的代表性和发言权。发达国家也认识到全球南方的重要性,从经济、政治、安全等多个层面加强与部分全球南方国家的伙伴关系。当前,全球南方国家仍面临经济不平等加剧、群体异质性问题、西方分化与拉拢、集体行动的困境等诸多... 展开



Abstract:As the geopolitical competition between great powers intensifies significantly and the global economic situation becomes grim,the global South’s economic rise,political consciousness and diplomatic independence continue to improve,and it is becoming a key player affecting the trend of the world structure. China,India and other emerging powers have actively promoted practical cooperation in various fields among countries of the gl... 展开

Abstract:As the geopolitical competition between great powers intensifies significantly and the global economic situation becomes grim,the global South’s economic rise,political consciousness and diplomatic independence continue to improve,and it is becoming a key player affecting the trend of the world structure. China,India and other emerging powers have actively promoted practical cooperation in various fields among countries of the global South and increased the representation and voice of developing countries in the global governance system. The developed countries have also recognized the importance of the global south and strengthened their partnerships with some countries of the global south at various levels,including economy,politics and security. Countries in the global South still face many challenges,such as rising economic inequality,group heterogeneity,western fragmentation and co-opting,and the dilemma of collective action. Looking ahead,the global south can make further use of existing platforms such as the BRICS countries and the New Development Bank to build deeper and operational partnerships and meet the common aspirations of countries in the global south for development and revitalization.



