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作者:吴艳 贺礽僖 出版日期:2024年02月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17300 字 所属丛书:大洋洲蓝皮书 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2022~2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在地区战略价值不断增加的背景下,2022年太平洋岛国地区政治和经济形势整体上仍呈现复杂态势。一方面,大国地缘政治博弈加剧、太平洋地区主义发展曲折以及部分国家政局不稳等挑战仍持续存在;另一方面,经济形势的好转及气候治理的重大进展又为该地区发展带来积极影响。面对严峻复杂的内外形势,太平洋岛国对内坚持稳定政局,发展经济,对外坚持推动双边与多边合作,在国际舞台上主动发声。尽管地区发展仍存有不确定性,但中国的“一带一路”倡议在太平洋岛国地区的持续推... 展开



Abstract:Against the backdrop of increasing regional strategic value,the political and economic situation of the Pacific island countries as a whole still presented a complex situation in 2022. On the one hand,challenges such as intensifying geopolitical competition among major powers,tortuous development of Pacific regionalism and political instability in some countries persisted. On the other hand,the improving economic situation and sig... 展开

Abstract:Against the backdrop of increasing regional strategic value,the political and economic situation of the Pacific island countries as a whole still presented a complex situation in 2022. On the one hand,challenges such as intensifying geopolitical competition among major powers,tortuous development of Pacific regionalism and political instability in some countries persisted. On the other hand,the improving economic situation and significant progress in climate control have had a positive impact on the development of the region. In the face of severe and complex internal and external situations,Pacific island countries have maintained political stability and economic development at home,promoted bilateral and multilateral cooperation abroad,and taken the initiative to speak out on the international stage. Despite the uncertainties in regional development,the continuous progress of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Pacific Island countries and the deepening of the “comprehensive strategic partnership” between China and Pacific Island countries have injected important force into the prosperity,stability and development of the region.



